Monthly Archives: April 2014

Attending the Linux User Pi Jam

linux_user_jam33565-RNLI-CollegeLast Saturday we attended the Linux User Pi Jam, in Poole, and had an absolute blast. The Jam was held at the RNLI college, which is a great location for an event, and we met some very interesting people at the Jam.

We’re glad to see that robotics is rising in popularity as something to do with your Pi. :) We ran a store at the Jam, and other robotics vendors there included The Little British Robot Company and PiBorg (with their very cool DoodleBorg tank). Ben from Phenoptix was also there with a neat little laser cut robot arm. We saw some cool Raspberry Pi robot projects from Leo White, and had a nice chat with Ian Renton, the guy behind the Raspberry Pi tank.

In the afternoon we gave a talk on combining the power of Arduino with the Pi to build Raspberry Pi robots as we have with our Camera Bot. For anybody interested the slides can be found here.

Pi Jams are a great way to meet interesting people, and get ideas for your next Pi project, if you haven’t been to one yet then we recommend that you keep an eye out for one in your area and head along. :)

Building a Raspberry Pi Robot – CamJam Video and Slides

A couple of months ago, Dawn Robotics went to the fantastic Cambridge Pi Jam organised by Michael Horne and Tim Richardson. Whilst there, I gave a talk on building a mobile robot with the Raspberry Pi (such as the camera robot we talk about in this blog post). The talk was aimed at quite a high level, and looked at 7 key areas you should think about when building a mobile robot.

Well, I recently found out that there was a video of the talk online (along with videos of all the other talks at the Jam). Therefore I thought that I’d link to it here, along with the slides for the talk. The sound quality is not too great, and I need to work on my presenting style, but hopefully it’ll be useful to people thinking of building their own robot. If you’ve got any questions, or would like more information on any of the areas talked about in the video, please post on our forums.

Also, for those that are in the area, we’ll also be giving a talk at the Linux User Raspberry Pi Jam being held in Poole this Saturday (5th April 2014). A small number of tickets for the Jam are still available here. This talk will mainly be about using the Pi with an Arduino, but we’ll still try to squeeze in some robots. :)